Women in sports 
(and other great female achievements)


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With special thanks to Christine Lewicki (a friend from home who is attending college at Clarkson University), Kara Cady-Sawyer, Allison Meacham (Varsity Softball player at SUNY Albany), Justin Gray (yes, even though he is a male, I felt his outlook was informative), Matt Mahar (also a male friend, from home, who is attending SUNY Binghamton of whose opinions I value), and Rich Barie (yet another male from SUNY Albany who had interesting points).



-------------------- 1968 --------------------

Peggy Fleming is named an All-American ice-skater

Margo Oberg is the first women to win the World Championships for surfing


-------------------- 1970 --------------------

294,000 American high school girls participate in interscholastic sports

Pat Palinkas is the first women to play in a professional football game


-------------------- 1971 --------------------

Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women is formed


-------------------- 1972 --------------------

Congress passes Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972


-------------------- 1974 --------------------

Lanny Moss is the first woman to manage a professional men's baseball team

First issue of Women's Sports magazine is published


-------------------- 1975 --------------------

Junko Tabei is the first woman to reach the peak of Mount Everest


-------------------- 1977 --------------------

Lucy Harris is the first woman to be drafted by an NBA team


-------------------- 1978 --------------------

The first game of women's professional baseball league is played